Join us every Wednesday in February, with our final gathering on Wednesday, March 5, for our Midweek Meals & Ministry.  The evening starts with a meal at 5pm, providing a time for fellowship and connection. At 6pm, you can choose to participate in one of the ministry opportunities below. On March 5, we will have a special Ash Wednesday service to kickoff the Lenten season. Childcare available upon request.

Pastor-led Study – The Art of Neighboring
What if Jesus’ call to “love your neighbor as yourself” wasn’t just a metaphor but a literal challenge? For four weeks, we will explore how to build meaningful relationships with the people who live right next door. Through biblical insights, practical tools, and real-life stories, we’ll learn how small, intentional acts of kindness can create stronger communities and reveal God’s love in powerful ways. Whether you’re new to your neighborhood or have lived there for years, this series will inspire you to take the next step in living out Jesus’ greatest commandment. Let’s make neighboring more than a good idea—let’s make it a way of life!

Want to go deeper on your own? Order a copy of the book or look into the small group discussion guides on the Art of Neighboring website here: Art of Neighboring.

Worship Team
If you want to offer your musical talents in worship, this is a perfect time to join in! No experience is needed – simply join other musicians as we grow in our musical gifts by offering praise to God through rehearsal on Wednesdays and Worship on Sundays!

Youth Ministry

FFUMC youth will engage in biblically based conversations that impact every day life. This opportunity on Wednesday nights provides space for growing deeper in our relationship with God while building a network of friends that will last a lifetime. Reach out to Makayla Halford with any questions about your first visit with us. We’re confident you’ll have a great time!


Midweek Meal & Ministry RSVP

Select the dates you plan to attend.